Cremna Health Group

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''Reclaim Your Hair, Restore Your Confidence''

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 Hair Transplant Graft Calculator


Step 1: Select the areas where you would like more hair:

Hair Transplant  Turkey

Cremna Health Group is a top choice for hair transplants in Turkey, ranking among the top 10 clinics in the country.

With our locatins in Istanbul and Antalya, we bring patients from all over the world seeking solutions to hair loss. Our skilled specialists excel in utilizing advanced techniques like DHI and FUE to achieve natural-looking results. Unlike cookie-cutter approaches, we tailor each treatment plan to suit your unique needs. 

At Cremna, we focus on taking good care of our patients and following strict medical rules. Known for our skills, we work hard to make sure you feel comfortable and supported at every stage, from your first meeting with us to after your operation.

For the finest hair care solutions, turn to Cremna Health Group. When it comes to exceptional hair transplants, Cremna stands out as the go-to choice. We’re dedicated to ensuring your hair looks fantastic with our expert services.

2 Popular Tecniques of hair transplant; DHI and FUE

DHI Method (Direct Hair Implantation)

hair transplant last dhi method
Dhi Method

DHI is a modern and advanced hair transplant method that falls under the FUE umbrella. The main difference with DHI is that it uses a specialized tool called a Choi pen or implanter pen, which has a hollow needle with a fine tip. In DHI, hair follicles are extracted one by one, similar to FUE, usually from the back of the head, which is the donor area. The extracted hair follicles are then directly implanted into the recipient area using the Choi pen. This tool creates tiny incisions in the recipient area and simultaneously implants the grafts, which minimizes the time the grafts spend outside the body. DHI is known for its precision and the ability to control the angle, depth, and direction of hair follicle placement, which can lead to more natural-looking results. The recovery time is relatively quick, and there is minimal scarring. It’s a suitable option for those with smaller areas to cover and those looking for minimal downtime.

 Read more about DHI Hair Transplant 

FUE Method (Follicular Unit Extraction)

FUE is one of the most widely used hair transplant techniques. In FUE, individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor area, typically the back or sides of the head, using a micro-punch tool. These follicles are then carefully prepared for transplantation. The recipient area is prepared by making small incisions or tiny holes, and the prepared grafts are implanted into these sites. FUE is a less invasive procedure compared to older techniques like FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation), which involves the removal of a strip of skin from the donor area. FUE results in minimal scarring, and the scars that do form are tiny, dot-like marks that are often barely noticeable. The recovery period for FUE is typically faster than older methods like FUT, and there is less discomfort after the procedure. Read more about Fue Hair Transplant 

Hairline Process

hair transplant hairline

The hairline is very critical for pllaning of the hair transplant operation. We draw hairline before the hair transplant. Of course, It is very important to discuss with the patient about it. Our specialist always recommends natural a hairline. The hairline may change as upper or lower It is depending on planning grafts number – natural hairline, and must not be muscles.

The benefits of Hair Transplantation in Antalya

Advancements in hair transplant procedures offer a transformative solution for individuals seeking to regain their luscious locks. Antalya, a stunning city situated along the Turkish Riviera, has emerged as a leading destination for hair transplants. In this article, we will explore the benefits of undergoing a hair transplant in Antalya and why it is worth considering for your hair restoration journey. We will also discuss the ideal duration of your stay for a hair transplant in Antalya, allowing you to combine your procedure with a rejuvenating holiday in this beautiful city read more about the benefits of Hair Transplantation in Antalya

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What we offer

A personalized and comfortable hair transplant

You’re in good hands with our professional team.

Hair Transplant

Natural hair restoration through surgical techniques. Say goodbye to baldness!

Dental Treatment

Achieve a perfect smile with professional dental care. Enhance your oral health!

Why Choose Us

Experience the best hair transplant with Cremna Health Group in Antalya, Turkey.

Expert Surgeons

Our skilled surgeons have years of experience in hair transplantation, ensuring exceptional results

More Natural Results

We specialize in providing natural-looking hair transplants that blend seamlessly with your existing hair.

Advanced Techniques

Our clinic utilizes cutting-edge techniques and technologies for efficient and effective hair restoration.

Hair Transplant Antalya Reviews

“People from all around the world come to us for hair transplants. Were known as one of the best places for hair transplants in Antalya, and our many happy patients tell others about us.”

Andrew Johnson
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I can't express how delighted I am with the DHI hair transplant I received at Cremna Health Group in Antalya. The team's skill and dedication to providing the best possible results are truly commendable. Not only did they restore my hair, but they also boosted my confidence. The procedure was virtually painless, and the recovery was surprisingly quick. Cremna Health Group is undoubtedly the go-to place for anyone seeking a hair transplant in Antalya.
Christopher Grace
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The moment I walked through their doors, I was struck by their professionalism and attention to detail. They took the time to thoroughly assess my situation and explain the entire procedure, making me feel at ease and well-informed. This level of transparency and dedication to patient comfort was truly reassuring.
Michael Wilson
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The results of the DHI hair transplant they performed are beyond my expectations. My new hairline looks incredibly natural, and I couldn't be happier with the outcome. It's not just about the physical transformation; my confidence has been restored, and I feel like a whole new person

Frequently Asked Questions

+ Am I a suitable candidate for Hair Transplant?

Determining candidacy involves factors like the extent of hair loss, donor hair availability, and overall health. A consultation with our specialist is essential.

+ What is the average recovery time after a hair transplant?

Recovery time post-hair transplant can range from a few days to 10 days, with initial healing visible within the first few days. *DHI method is healing faster than other techniques.

+ How many days should I stay for hair transplant in Antalya, Turkey?

Shortly, let's explain the process of hair transplant:
1st day: Operation Day
2nd day: Resting + First washing is performed by our specialist.
2nd day evening or 3rd day: Patient can go.

+ Will the hair transplant operation be painful?

Because you get local anesthesia before the operation, the hair transplant operation will be painless.

Easy way to get servıces

Why should you choose us?

Our experienced team, personalized solutions, reliability, and quality standards, along with our support and customer relationships, reflect our commitment to maintaining customer satisfaction at the highest level.

Experienced team, expertise, latest techniques

Our experienced team of experts utilizes the latest techniques in hair transplantation.

Personalized solutions, satisfaction guarantee

We provide personalized solutions tailored to our customers' specific needs, ensuring satisfaction.

Reliability, quality, hygiene standards

Our services are characterized by reliability, high quality, and adherence to strict hygiene standards.

Continuous support, customer relationships, success

We offer continuous support to our customers and build successful customer relationships.

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